
Supima Emergina Talent Contest

(Photo from Style Caster)

Exciting News!!
I won the best design in show!
Here are some photos for you. :)


The first fitting

I just did the first fitting.
So much more work to be done...
There is another piece that I am going to show
And You will be surprised. :)



A sketch of my dress

I spent many hours to organize my computer today.
There were so many extra pictures that I don't use,
documents, down loaded files. I feel good ~~ so clean now. :)

Exciting News-
Kimenna is in Supima Emerging talent fashion show in Jan 14, 2009.
I will post some pictures of what I am working on soon.
Visit: Supimablog

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!
I wish you a happy 2009!

I decided to create blog to share a little stories with you.
Please visit often for new pictures of pieces, inspirations, and more!!

Thank you!
Kimenna :)